SooperGuide Career Selection Assessment

Now no more confusion in choosing the right career stream after the 10th standard!

The most important decision a student can take before joining college or university is choosing the right career or stream. Unfortunately, 98 % of students are confused at this crucial junction of their life and take decisions that are based on others advice, social pressures or insecurities. None of these are based on scientific methods.

Thankfully, there’s a scientific solution now!

Introducing SOOPERGUIDE, the world’s most advanced & reliable assessment to test natural ability, learning nature, strengths & weaker areas of students. This online assessment test is based on cognitive science that can help students pick the right career stream at the right time.

60 Min

Time taken

Online assessment


Children 14 - 17 yrs

 For Whom


One time cost

Global Appreciations for Effectiveness

How It Works ?

Online assessment

A 60 minutes online assessment gathers information based on student’s responses to the set of questions asked


A standardized algorithm captures Strength areas, 8 different Skill sets and Cognitive data points like: IQ, Focus, Decision Making & Cognitive Efficiency.


Based on student’s natural and cognitive abilities it recommends the most suitable career stream for them.

This amazing tool will help assess children on the following parameters

  1. Physical Activities
  2. Nature and Environment
  3. Logical Skills
  4. Visual and Creative Skills
  5. Musical Skills
  6. Leadership and Social Skills
  7. Thinking and Observation
  8. Language and Writing Skills

Arts, Science or Commerce?

The most scientific test to decide which career stream your child should take after 10th Standard.

What parents have to say about SooperGuide Assessment

The assessment gave us a clear picture about where my son’s interest is. Based on this,we chose to put him to a Bachelors in Business Management course that will further build on his area of interest.

-Prashanth, father of Arjun

I didn’t want to force my daughter to any particular stream. But I also had no clue what she wanted to become. SooperGuide gave us clarity. Thanks,SooperGuide!

-Divyashree, mother of Priya

The results are amazing. I’m happy that my son will go on to become a doctor! Hats off to people who created this technology. My suggestions to all parents. Stop doing guesswork with your child’s career selection and use this test!

-Hari Srinivasan, father of Subhash

Buy Career Assesment Test


  • 1 Year
  • 8th to 12th Grade
  • Once you subscribe, you will get a call and an email for user id & password

Frequently asked questions by parents

Who are the developers of SooperGuide?

Sooperguide is developed by CRACSLab whose research works are appreciated, accepted, published & presented at various top forums in India& abroad including Re-Imagine Education Forum San Francisco, USA, ICARSS UK, European Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Inderscience UK, Infokara Research and International Journal of Indian Psychology.

Is authorised to market this assessment?

MindKhoj is an authorised re-seller of CRACS Lab products like Sooper Mind, Kids Unlock and ELSA and more such programs that help children.

Difference between SooperGuide Vs Others (Aptitude Tests)

SooperGuide is the most accurate, reliable and valid of all psychological tests and assessments. It measures the entire thinking process, mental abilities like dynamic IQ, focus, decision making ability/speed, strengths & learning nature.

Whereas Aptitude is a test of one’s ability to perform a certain task. It cannot measure cognitive abilities, learning nature and core skill sets. Besides, other aptitude tests are very general in nature and their reliability is questionable.

Why does a student need a Test or Assessment to select a stream?

Right decision making is the key to success. Wrong stream selection leads to failure & frustration in career. Most of the time students select a stream based on parental advice, market trends, school performance, assumptions or guesswork without realizing their strengths. That’s why a scientific & reliable evaluation of one’s strengths, natural ability & skills help you to pick the right stream so that you can build a great career around it.

How does Sooperguide Assessment help my kid?

Sooperguide is the world’s most advanced assessment tool, especially designed for students. It helps in scientific decision making about what stream your children should choose for a great and fulfilling career.

What strengths & skills does Sooperguide identify?

Sooperguide assesses students on 12 key parameters before arriving at a decision. It assesses Natural ability, Mental Strengths & Abilities namely IQ, Focus, Decision Making Ability and the Eight Multiple Intelligences based on “Frames of Mind,” by Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University.

Why is Sooperguide the best choice for my child?

Stream selection is a very critical decision and it can make or break one’s life. However, most students and parents undervalue the importance of scientific decision making. That’s where Sooperguide comes in. It is a scientifically validated, highly reliable & standardized assessment tool developed by CRACSLAB. This is a published research document while most other available tests are not standardized.

At what age should I start thinking about stream selection for my child?

The most preferred time is after mid-session of 8th-9th Grade. This gives you enough time to adjust & learn more about it. Research says that identifying one’s strengths as early as possible gives the best results.

Which stream is the best for a high paying profession or career? Arts, Medical, Commerce or Non-Medical?

All careers can pay well, provided one is very good in that field. Look around! Most successful people are those who are working in the field of their natural ability or strength, whether they are from Arts background or Commerce, Medical or Non-Medical field. For a high paying job or a great career, one should be well aware of their core strengths and sharpen their brain skills like focus, creativity and intellect.