Essential Life Skills Assessment for Children

Test and develop your child’s mindset and skill-set with this scientifically validated assessment and short courses.

The assessment of young children’s development with regard to Mind-Set and Skill-Set has recently taken on new importance. Parents and schools are looking for impactful but affordable solutions to help build skills and self-confidence in children.

Presenting ELSA, a scientifically validated cognitive assessment. The evidence of this test’s effectiveness is published in highly reputed psychological and behavioral study journals and is one of the most advanced assessment programs out there.

In this assessment, the child first takes a test and then the parent too gets to answer some questions. In this way, the test uses both answers to give the perfect assessment!

60 Min

Time taken

Online assessment


Children 8 - 15 yrs

 For Whom


One time cost

Why your child and you should take this test

Based on “Multiple Intelligence Model” of Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner

Helps in identifying natural learning styles for overall development.

If you’re unsure of your child’s future prospects.

Addresses gaps which cannot be identified by academic results.

Thousands of satisfied and convinced parents and children.

How It Works ?

Online assessment

This affordable one-time online assessment brings out the real skillset of children on multiple parameters called“Multiple Intelligence Assessment Model” first put forth by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner.


In this assessment, the child first takes a test and then the parent too gets to answer some questions. In this way, the test uses both answers to give the perfect assessment!


ELSA is the first platform in the world where you get scientifically validated answers and solutions in the form of short courses.These short courses nurture practical skills, a strong mindset and hidden talent of children in the age group of 8-15.

This amazing tool will help assess children on the following parameters

  1. Self Confidence
  2. Mindset Maturity
  3. Competitive Edge
  4. Business Sense
  5. Family Bonding
  6. Scientific Temperament
  7. Calculation Skills
  8. Memory Skills
  9. Etiquette & Manners
  10. Personality

Test and develop your child’s mindset and skill-set with the world’s most advanced tool now!

Register Now

Online assessment

  • For Children 8-15 Years
  • Once you subscribe, you will get a call and an email for user id & password

What parents have to say
about Essential Life Skills Assessment

The assessment gave us a clear picture about where my son’s interest is. Based on this, we chose to put him in a short course that will further build on his area of interest.

-Shalini M

We had no specific reason to take this test, but it opened up our minds to a whole new theory about raising children to be successful! A must for every parent!!

-Divyashree, mother of Priya

The testclearly showed about my daughter’s indecisiveness in certain areas.Armed with this knowledge I’ve put her to a Personality course which is showing clear progress.


So, what happens after the assessment is done?

Based upon these assessments, children are offered 12 highly creative, structured and innovative online short programs to develop practical life skills, core learning skills and competitive edge. These short courses are purely optional.

Learning path with short courses

  1. Modern GK of Brands
  2. Kiddly GK of Brands
  3. How Things R Made
  4. Vedic Math
  5. Innovative Brain
  6. Origami
  7. Memory Master
  8. Personality Master
  9. Etiquette & Manners
  10. Speed Math Mind
  11. Memory Plus Minds
  12. Personality Humble

How these programs help children

Personalized Approach

A personalized approach can have a direct impact on students’ learning. Their performance rises if they are engaged in activities linked to their natural interest and strengths according to Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory.

Primary Learning

Analysis of datashows that if students are taught according to their inherent primary learning style, (Auditory and musical learners, Visual and spatial learners, Verbal learners, Logical and mathematical learners, Physical or kinesthetic learners, Social and interpersonal learners and Solitary and intrapersonal learners.)they can learn in an efficient manner and the performance is higher as compared to the system where they are taught in traditional way.

Holistic Development

Multiple intelligence-based teaching ensures holistic development of children

Frequently asked questions by parents

Who are the developers of ELSA Assessment program?

ELSA Assessment is developed by CRACSLab whose research works are appreciated, accepted, published & presented at various top forums in India & abroad including Re-Imagine Education Forum San Francisco, USA, ICARSS UK, European Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Inderscience UK, Infokara Research and International Journal of Indian Psychology.

Is authorised to market this assessment?

MindKhoj is an authorised re-seller of CRACS Lab products like ELSA Assessment program, Sooper Mind, Kids Unlock, and more such programs that help children.

Difference between ELSA Assessment program Vs Others (Aptitude Tests)

ELSA Assessment program is the most accurate, reliable and valid of all psychological tests and assessments. It measures the thinking process and core skill sets.

Whereas Aptitude is a test of one’s ability to perform a certain task. It cannot measure cognitive abilities, learning nature and core skill sets. Besides, other aptitude tests are very general in nature and their reliability is questionable.

Why does my child need a Test or Assessment? How does ELSA Assessment program help my kid?

Although it is not mandatory for anyone to take any type of assessment.  But it is absolutely important to prepare our children for the modern competitive world.  ELSA identifies the core strengths and weaknesses of children and the counsellors provide them the required after services.

How does ELSA Assessment program help my kid?

ELSA Assessment program is the world’s most advanced assessment tool, especially designed for students. It helps you in scientific decision making.